Why Is Gluttony a Sin?

I’m not starting with the question “if” gluttony is a sin.  That’s a solid Y.E.S.  Don’t believe me?  Here’s 21 Verses about Gluttony If you’ve never heard about gluttony in church, there might be some reasons why.  1) Although mentioned in a swath of Scriptures, there isn’t a defining passage on gluttony.  2) It’s a little … More Why Is Gluttony a Sin?

Top 10 Reasons Your Church Should Start Snake-Handling

There are some faithful churches in the backwoods of Appalachia (almost predominantly white people) that still do snake-handling.  Some estimate that up to 125 churches in America practice this important Christian tradition.  But with 45,000 churches in America, it’s time to write a letter or send a telegraph to your Pastor to go down to … More Top 10 Reasons Your Church Should Start Snake-Handling

I (Generally) Support President Trump and I Support Impeachment

Let me start out with what I mean by “supporting” President Trump.  I don’t like politicians in general.  The second you think you should run for the most powerful office on earth you instantly have too much hubris and pride for me to actually like you.  But in a world of voting, I can only … More I (Generally) Support President Trump and I Support Impeachment

BREAKING: Next CNN Town Hall Announced – The Evangelical Vote

So, I watched quite a few clips of the Democrat candidate CNN Town Hall on all issues LGBTQ+.  They must be concerned that the LGBTQ+ community vote isn’t secured.  So they are going hard after that 3.8% of voting Americans that identify as one of those letters.  Now I’m not sure if this is scheduled … More BREAKING: Next CNN Town Hall Announced – The Evangelical Vote